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Skin Care Pigment Clear

Skin Care Pigment Clear

Registration number: 10391/2020/DKSP

Uses: Helps prevent oxidation, beautifies the skin. Helps reduce the risk of skin aging

Target users: Adults who want to beautify their skin

User manual: Take 2 tablets/day

Quantity Promotion Price
1 box 0% 880,000 VND/box
2 boxes ten% 792,000 VND/box

Optimal treatment 3 boxes

20% + Gift 704,000 VND/box
Regular price 880.000 VND
Regular price Sale price 880.000 VND
Sale Sold out


Composition: for 2 tablets corresponding to

Emblica Officianlis Gaertn. Extract 5:1 200 mg

Pomegranate Extract ( Punica granatum L.)

  • Standardized to 40% Ellagic Acid

200 mg

Green Algae Extract ( Haematococcus pluvialis Flotou)

  • Standardized to 2% Astaxanthin

60 mg

Grape seed extract ( Vitis vinifera L.)

  • Standardized to 40% Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins

40 mg

Vitamin C (L-ascorbic Acid) 40 mg
Vitamin B3 (Nicotinamide) 16 mg
Zinc (Zinc sulfate) 8 mg

Black Pepper Extract ( Piper nigrum L)

  • Standardized to 40% Piperine

6 mg

Copper (Copper sulfate)

0.4 mg

Accessories: Microcrystalline cellulose (E460), Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (E468), Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (E464), Magnesium sterate (E407B), Silicon dioxide (E551) and Glycerine.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.


  • This food is not a medicine and does not replace medicine.
  • Pregnant women and lactating women must have a doctor's prescription before using.
  • Keep out of reach of CHILDREN.
  • Not for use by children under 11 years old.
  • Do not use if sensitive to any ingredient of the product.

Publication registration reception number: 10391/2020/DKSP

GPQC number: 3616/2020/XNQC-ATTP

Made in: Sweden - Northern Europe

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  • Harmful effects of sunlight

    Exposure to UV rays worsens hyperpigmentation and leaves freckles, melasma and dark skin.

  • Blood does not circulate well

    Blood that does not circulate well causes problems with lack of oxygen in the blood, which causes skin pigmentation.

  • Hormonal changes

    During pregnancy, illness and medication, the amount of estrogen and progesterone becomes abnormal, which is the main culprit causing melasma.

What does Skin Care Pigment Clear help you with?

  • Reduces dark spots, blemishes, and freckles, making skin bright and smooth.
  • Reduces dry skin and wrinkles.
  • Helps prevent oxidation and limit skin aging.
  • Beautify skin.
  • Add substances that neutralize free radicals, prevent oxygen and limit skin aging.

Advantages of the product

  • Made in Sweden - Northern Europe.
  • Not dyed, safe for users.
  • Contains natural herbal ingredients such as Gooseberries, Pomegranate, Green Microalgae, Grapes, Black Pepper.
  • In particular, mountain gooseberry extract rich in Vitamin C helps increase collagen production, protecting the skin against aging.

Ingemarie (73 YEARS OLD, DENMARK)

"The dark spots on my skin have disappeared"

Ingemarie is enjoying retirement life. She travels a lot and is very concerned about her appearance and health. About 2 years ago, she discovered some melasma on her cheeks.

"The dermatologist told me that these were melasma spots because I spent a lot of time in the sun when I was young. My skin is fair, and my husband and I travel a lot.

During the summer, I was really pleased with the Skin Care Pigment Clear product. The spots on my face have disappeared, so I will never stop using this product again. My skin is very beautiful and my family also notices it."

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Hanne (AGE 56, DENMARK)

Say goodbye to brown spots on your skin

Hanne is 56 years old, she manages a restaurant with her husband. For many years, brown spots appeared on her face that looked very bad.

"I have a friend who works at Matas. About half a year ago, she told me that they had a new product called Skin Care Pigment Clear, and it was a skin-evening product. She recommended I try it, because it works from the inside. She gave me some good advice, so I decided to try the product."

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  • Mountain gooseberries

    ( Emblica Officianlis Gaertn.)

    Originated from Europe and grown in Asia and Africa. Gooseberries contain a large amount of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), which is considered a very effective water-soluble antioxidant. High levels of Ellagitannins such as Emblicanin A and Emblicanin B contribute to reducing the amount of free radicals in the body.

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  • Pomegranate

    ( Punica granatum L.)

    Pomegranate is native to the western Himalayas and contains a number of natural substances. The pomegranate in this pill is extracted by removing inactive Cellulose.
    Pomegranate is a fruit consumed worldwide. Several in vitro studies have demonstrated that P. granatum has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic and lipid-lowering effects along with anti-cancer and neuroprotective effects. These properties can be mainly related to its Polyphenols.

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  • Black pepper

    ( Piper nigrum L)

    Grown in India and in tropical regions. Black pepper helps cleanse the skin by promoting blood circulation through blood vessels and capillaries. Black pepper also contains antioxidants necessary to maintain the body's health thanks to its antibacterial and antiparasitic effects.

    see more 

Note: This product is not a medicine, it does not replace medicine, the effectiveness of using the product depends on each person's constitution. People with heart disease, blood pressure, or pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before use. The content on this website is for reference only and cannot replace the instructions of pharmacists, doctors and health professionals. Dietary supplements should not be used to diagnose, treat, or cure diseases or other health problems.

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Frequently asked questions

How can Skin Care Pigment Clear pills improve skin condition?

Skin Care Pigment Clear pills contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help nourish the skin from within, helping to improve elasticity, reduce wrinkles and even out skin tone.

How long does it take to see results after using Skin Care Pigment Clear?

The time it takes to see results may vary depending on each person's constitution. Typically, you can start to see improvement after 4-6 weeks of regular use.

Are there any side effects when using Skin Care Pigment Clear?

Skin Care Pigment Clear pills are generally safe and do not cause side effects when used according to the recommended dosage. However, if you have any specific medical conditions, you should discuss them with your doctor before use.

Can Skin Care Pigment Clear be used on all skin types?

Skin Care Pigment Clear is suitable for most skin types. However, if you have sensitive skin or a specific skin condition, you should consult your doctor or dermatologist.

Can Skin Care Pigment Clear be combined with other skin care products?

Yes, you can combine Skin Care pills with peripheral skin care products. This often enhances its effectiveness in improving skin condition.