Privacy Policy

1. Purpose and scope of information collection
Website does not sell, share or exchange customers' personal information collected on the website to any other third party.
Personal information collected will only be used for the company to provide products and services to customers.
When you contact to register to receive information, chat with staff, send comments and enter information to make a purchase, personal information that website collects includes: Full name, Address , Phone, Email…
In addition to personal information, there is service information: Product name, Quantity, Product delivery time...
During the payment transaction process at website, we only store detailed information about the member's paid order, information about the member's bank account number will not be saved. hold.
Members will be responsible for the security and storage of all service usage activities under their registered name, password and email. In addition, members are responsible for promptly notifying website about unauthorized use, abuse, security violations, and retention of third parties' registration names and passwords to suitable solutions.
2. Scope of information use
Personal information collected will only be used internally by the website and for one or all of the following purposes:
- Customer support.
- Provide information related to services.
- Process orders and provide services and information through our website as requested by customers.
- We may send new product and service information, information about upcoming events or recruitment information if you sign up to receive email notifications.
- We will use the information provided by customers to support customer account management; Confirm and execute financial transactions related to customers' online payments.
- Prevent activities that destroy customer user accounts or activities that impersonate customers.
- Contact and resolve with customers in special cases.
- Do not use customers' personal information other than for confirmation and contact related to transactions at .
- In case of legal requirements: The Company is responsible for cooperating in providing members' personal information upon request from judicial agencies including: Procuracy, courts, police agencies. Investigation related to certain legal violations by customers. In addition, no one has the right to violate customers' personal information.
3. Information storage time
- We store and process customers' personal information on our internal systems during the process of providing products to customers.
- The period of storing personal information is carried out according to the provisions of law and our data storage purposes.
- For personal information, website only deletes this data if the customer requests, the customer sends an email to
4. Persons or organizations that may have access to personal information
- Subjects with access to customers' personal information fall into one of the following cases:
- DAO Advanced Technology Company Limited
- Partners who have signed a contract to perform part of the services provided by the Company. These partners will receive information according to the contract agreement (possibly part or all of the information depending on the contract terms) to support users in using the services provided by the Company.
5. Address of the unit that collects and manages personal information
DAO Advanced Technology Co., Ltd
Address: No. 04 Nguyen U Di, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: 0399 485 379
6. Means and tools for users to access and edit their personal data
Website does not collect customer information through the website. Customer personal information is collected via product ordering contact email to our email: or product ordering contact phone number by calling hotline 0399 485 379 .
Customers can contact the email address and phone number above to request Website to edit their personal data.
7. Mechanism for receiving and resolving consumer complaints related to personal information being used for the wrong purpose or notified scope
At website, protecting your personal information is very important. You are assured that the information provided to us will be kept confidential. Website commits not to share, sell or rent your personal information to anyone else. Website commits to only using your information in the following cases:
- Improve service quality for customers.
- Resolve disputes and complaints.
- When required by law enforcement.
Website understands that your rights in protecting personal information are also our responsibility, so in case of any questions or suggestions related to the website's privacy policy, and regarding personal information being used for the wrong purpose or scope as announced, please contact hotline 0399 485 379 or email
1. Commitment to confidentiality
The card payment system is provided by payment gateway partners (“Payment Gateway Partners”) that have been licensed to operate legally in Vietnam. Accordingly, card payment security standards at website ensure compliance with industry security standards.
2. Security regulations
Payment transaction policy by international and domestic cards (internet banking) ensures compliance with security standards of Payment Gateway Partners including:
- Customer's financial information will be protected throughout the transaction process using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol.
- Payment information data security standard certification (PCI DSS) provided by Trustwave.
- One-time password (OTP) is sent via SMS to ensure authenticated account access.
- 128 bit MD5 encryption standard.
- Information security principles and regulations in the banking and finance industry according to regulations of the State Bank of Vietnam.
- Payment transaction security policy of website applies to Customers:
- The Company provides token storage facility - only storing the encrypted string provided to the Company by the Payment Gateway Partner. The company does not directly store customer card information. Security of Customer payment card information is performed by a licensed Payment Gateway Partner.
- For international cards: the Customer's payment card information that can be used to establish transactions is not stored on the website system, the Payment Gateway Partner will store and preserve it. honey.
- For domestic cards (internet banking), the Company only stores order codes, transaction codes and bank names. The company is committed to ensuring the serious implementation of necessary security measures for all payment activities performed on the e-commerce trading floor website