Emblica Officinalis Gaetn is also known as Gooseberry and is also used in many traditional Indian dishes. Mountain gooseberries have an average height of up to 8m with a slightly curved trunk. Young branches have fine hairs 10-20cm long. Leaves grow along small, closely spaced branches. The flowers are slightly yellow in color. The mountain gooseberry tree has hard, smooth and spherical fruits, yellow-green in color with six vertical stripes. The taste of Gooseberries is sour, bitter and the edible fruit is an excellent source of fiber and rich in nutrients. It is a very delicious fruit.
This herb is a small fruit filled with beneficial health effects. This herb and edible fruit rich in Vitamin C is recognized as the best in the world. Gooseberry is the best natural source of this vitamin, which helps keep skin healthy and strengthens the body's immune system. It is also a very good antioxidant, which can prevent aging and rejuvenate cell structure, keeping it young and healthy for a long time. This herb prevents our body from bacteria and viruses like cold and cough.
- It is the best anti-aging herb.
- Improves vision and is good for overall eye health.
- This herb is very useful for soothing various disorders of the body.
- It is very effective in various bleeding disorders.
- Anti-diabetic and reduces sugar in urine.
- The herb has aphrodisiac properties and helps reduce burning sensations.
- This herb is very effective for the heart and is also helpful in fever.
- It is used to improve voice, sore throat and various disorders related to the throat.
- This herb protects us from various viral, fungal and bacterial infections.