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Hair Volume

Hair Volume

Registration number: 11000/2020/DKSP

Uses: Supports healthy and beautiful hair, limits hair loss

Target users: Adults

Instructions for use: Take 1 tablet/day

Quantity Promotion Price
1 box 0% 630,000 VND/box
2 boxes ten% 567,000 VND/box

Optimal treatment 3 boxes

20% + Gift 504,000 VND/box
Regular price 630.000 VND
Regular price Sale price 630.000 VND
Sale Sold out


Composition: for 1 tablet corresponding to

Apple Extract ( Malus domestica L.) 300 mg
Millet seed extract (Panicum miliaceum L.) 250 mg
Horsetail extract (Equisetum arvense L.) 200 mg
L-cysteine 60 mg
L-methionine 50 mg
Vitamin B5 (D - Pantothenate, calcium) 20 mg
Zinc (Zinc Oxide) 15 mg
Biotin 3000 mcg
Copper (Copper Sulfate) 2mg

Accessory ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose (E460), Cross-linked sodium carboxymethylcellulose (E468), hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (E469), Magnesium stearate (E4706), potato starch, Silicon dioxide (E551), Calcium carbonate, Inulin fiber from chicory root, Glycerol.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.


  • This food is not a medicine and does not replace medicine.
  • Pregnant women and lactating women must have a doctor's prescription before using.
  • Keep out of reach of CHILDREN.
  • Not for use by children under 11 years old.
  • Do not use if sensitive to any ingredient of the product.

Publication registration reception number: 11000/2020/DKSP

GPQC number: 3699/2020/XNQC-ATTP

Made in: Sweden - Northern Europe

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  • Hair breaks easily

    Excessive hair loss (over 100 strands/day), especially when washing hair, waking up, and when stroking or combing hair, the amount of hair clinging to it is greater than usual.

  • Hair is difficult to grow and grows slowly

    A lack of nutrients and vitamins will prevent your hair from growing long and strong. Or hair follicles shrink, causing hair to grow more slowly.

  • The hair is thin, weak and sparse, the scalp is clearly visible

    Hair is fragile, easily broken and not strong. Excessive hair loss can be seen on the scalp.

What does Hair Volume help you with?

  • Helps keep hair strong and beautiful.
  • Limit hair loss and maintain hair growth and development, stimulating hair growth.

Advantages of the product

  • Made in Sweden - Northern Europe.
  • Not dyed, safe for users.
  • Contains natural herbal ingredients such as Apple, Millet, Horsetail along with Amino Acids, Vitamins and minerals.
  • In particular, Apple extract contains Procyanidin B2 to help nourish hair follicles, stimulate hair growth, prolong the hair cycle, and prevent hair loss. High Biotin content reduces hair loss, helps strengthen hair roots, and makes hair grow faster and thicker.


"I've lost all hope but..."

Catherine has always had problems with her hair such as dullness, brittleness and hair loss. So she often goes to the hairdresser to get her hair done. Over time, her hair became damaged and she felt she had to do something about it.

"After a few months of using Hair Volume, I felt my hair started to get thicker. I was shocked but really happy. My hair looked much healthier."

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Joy when hair loss stops

Anne has long, beautiful and thick hair. Three years ago, she noticed her hair looked thinner. Her husband advised her to cut off her long hair.

"By chance, I read about Hair Volum in a magazine. I decided to try this product and saw that my hair started to look thicker after 4 months of use. I am very satisfied with Hair Volume because my hair I have become thick, strong and no longer shed."

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  • Nordic Apple

    ( Malus domestica L.)

    Selected from Northern Europe with high Proanthocyaniю B2 content - a compound in the Polyphenol group with antioxidant properties, stimulating the growth of cells in hair follicles, stimulating hair growth, bringing thick, strong hair. strong.

    see more 
  • Horsetail Grass

    ( Equisetum arvense L.)

    Contains many Favonoids, alkaloids, minerals, Phenol compounds, triterpenoids, saponins, Phenol compounds, Triterpenoids, Saponins, Phytosterols that help improve hair structure and color, stimulate hair growth.

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  • Millet

    ( Panicum miliaceum L.)

    Contains Linoleic acid, Triterpenoid milliacin and Phytosterol suqalene which helps hair grow well and strong. In addition, Millet seeds contain Milliacin to help make hair roots healthier, stop hair loss and prevent hair loss.

    see more 

Note: This product is not a medicine, it does not replace medicine, the effectiveness of using the product depends on each person's constitution. People with heart disease, blood pressure, or pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before use. The content on this website is for reference only and cannot replace the instructions of pharmacists, doctors and health professionals. Dietary supplements should not be used to diagnose, treat, or cure diseases or other health problems.

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Frequently asked questions

Does Hair Volume products really help hair grow thicker?

Hair Volume is designed to support hair health and thickness, thanks to a combination of vitamins and minerals. However, results may vary depending on individual constitution and health status. Many users have reported seeing an improvement in hair thickness and shine after using the product for a certain period of time.

How to use Hair Volume for best results?

For best results, follow the usage instructions on the product packaging. Generally, Hair Volume should be taken daily at the recommended dosage, in conjunction with a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Don't forget to drink enough water every day.

Are Hair Volume products safe and do they cause any side effects?

Hair Volume is manufactured according to high standards of quality and safety, with natural and tested ingredients. However, if you have a history of allergies to any ingredient, you should consult your doctor before use. Side effects are rare, but if any occur, discontinue use and seek medical advice.

Can I combine Hair Volume with other hair care products?

Yes, you can absolutely combine Hair Volume with other hair care products. However, to avoid irritation, you should choose gentle products that do not contain harsh chemicals. If you are using a special hair treatment product, discuss it with your hair specialist or doctor to ensure optimal combination.

How long will it take to notice an improvement after using Hair Volume?

The time it takes to see improvement can vary depending on the person. Some people may notice a difference in a few weeks, while others may take months. It is important to maintain patience and use the product consistently.