Horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.)

Horsetail Grass

Horsetail ( Equisetum Arvense ) is a perennial fern in the family Equisetaceae.

Horsetail grows wild in Northern Europe, North and Central America, as well as in other humid places with temperate climates. The tree has a long, green stem, densely branched, growing from spring to fall.

The plant contains many beneficial compounds that provide many effects
Health promotion. Among these, antioxidants and silica are typical. Antioxidants are molecules that protect your body from the effects of free radicals that can cause cell damage. Silica is a compound made up of silicon and oxygen and is believed to be responsible for horsetail's potential benefits for skin, nails, hair and bones.

Horsetail is primarily used as a tea, made by steeping the dried herb in hot water. It is also available in capsule and tincture form. Horsetail is a type of fern that contains many beneficial compounds, notably antioxidants and Silica.

Potential benefits of Horsetail grass:

  • Improves the health of bones, skin, hair and nails
  • Supports bone health
  • Acts as a natural diuretic
  • Promotes wound healing and nail health
  • Promotes hair growth

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