
Cúc vạn thọ (Tagetes erecta L.)

Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.)

Marigolds (Tagetes erecta L.) are plants with flowers that look similar to carnations. Flower color varies from light yellow to orange. It is the petals of the marigold flower that...

Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.)

Marigolds (Tagetes erecta L.) are plants with flowers that look similar to carnations. Flower color varies from light yellow to orange. It is the petals of the marigold flower that...

Chùm ruột núi (Emblica Officianlis Gaertn.)

Emblica Officianlis Gaertn.

Emblica Officinalis Gaetn is also known as Gooseberry and is also used in many traditional Indian dishes. Mountain gooseberries have an average height of up to 8m with a slightly...

Emblica Officianlis Gaertn.

Emblica Officinalis Gaetn is also known as Gooseberry and is also used in many traditional Indian dishes. Mountain gooseberries have an average height of up to 8m with a slightly...

Dâu tằm trắng (Morus alba L.)

White mulberry (Morus alba L.)

The leaves of the White Mulberry tree (Morus alba L.) are called Sangye in Chinese, belonging to the genus Morus. It is an edible plant with high nutritional and medicinal...

White mulberry (Morus alba L.)

The leaves of the White Mulberry tree (Morus alba L.) are called Sangye in Chinese, belonging to the genus Morus. It is an edible plant with high nutritional and medicinal...

Hoa bia (Humulus lupulus, L.)

Hops (Humulus lupulus, L.)

Hops scientific name is Humulus lupulus L. (Cannabinaceae) is a climbing perennial plant, widely grown throughout temperate regions of the world, the female flower of the Hop plant. The tree...

Hops (Humulus lupulus, L.)

Hops scientific name is Humulus lupulus L. (Cannabinaceae) is a climbing perennial plant, widely grown throughout temperate regions of the world, the female flower of the Hop plant. The tree...

Cỏ ba lá đỏ (Trifolium pratense, L.)

Red clover (Trifolium pratense, L.)

Red Clover is a perennial herb with many uses. It grows in meadows, in ditches and along seashores and is a familiar sight in the Danish countryside. Every May, the...

Red clover (Trifolium pratense, L.)

Red Clover is a perennial herb with many uses. It grows in meadows, in ditches and along seashores and is a familiar sight in the Danish countryside. Every May, the...

Cà chua (Lycopersicum Esculentum)

Tomato (Lycopersicum Esculentum)

Tomato ( Lycopersicum Esculentum ) is an important fruit crop in the Americas, Southern Europe, the Middle East, and India, with growing production in China, Japan, and Southeast Asia. Used...

Tomato (Lycopersicum Esculentum)

Tomato ( Lycopersicum Esculentum ) is an important fruit crop in the Americas, Southern Europe, the Middle East, and India, with growing production in China, Japan, and Southeast Asia. Used...