Shipping and delivery policy always aims to provide the best shipping service with competitive fees for all orders you place with us. We support delivery nationwide with specific delivery policies as follows:

1. Delivery fee applies delivery fees according to the cost agreed with the partner responsible for shipping and delivery for all successfully placed orders.

2. Delivery time will require the shipping party to deliver the goods to the customer within the agreed time when the customer completes the ordering procedures. Shipping time usually takes at least 3 - 5 working days (not including Saturdays, Sundays or holidays).
In case you choose to pay by credit card, order processing time will be calculated from when receives your completed payment. Please note reserves the right to change delivery times without prior notice in the event of natural disasters or other special events.
Your order will be delivered in a maximum of 2 times (in case the first delivery is not successful, a staff member will contact you to arrange a second delivery schedule. We will try to contact you again). within the next 2 working days (via text message or direct call), in case we still cannot contact you or do not receive any response from you, the order will no longer be valid.
To check your information or order status, please contact Customer Care.
When the goods are delivered to you, please complete the payment and sign confirmation with the delivery staff first, then please check if the product has any errors or defects. Please keep the shipping receipt for inspection.