Purchase policy

1. How to order
You can refer to the following payment methods and choose to apply the appropriate method:
- Method 1: Pay directly upon receipt (COD).
- Method 2: Pay online via credit card or bank transfer.

2. Product description and price on the website
Product descriptions and the prices charged for the products or services you order are set out in our price lists, brochures and/or website. If by mistake we have under-priced a good or service, we will not be liable to supply the good to you at the stated price, provided that we give you notice. customer before delivering the relevant item or, if we do not dispatch an item within 7 working days of our acceptance of your order and we may cancel your order subject to sue us to refund you any payments you have made. You may agree to pay the correct price, in which case we will continue to process your order. In the event that you are overcharged for an item, you will receive a full refund of the difference.
We reserve the right to change the prices of the products. Please refer to our latest price list or our website for all current prices. Please note prices issued in our latest price list or on our website will supersede any prices stated in these policies and terms where there is a difference.
Sales prices may be subject to currency and market fluctuations, tax and VAT changes and unsold inventory.

3. Commitment and assurance of product and service quality
We are committed to providing customers with an outstanding quality of service and are committed to providing safe and legal products. If the product is defective or damaged, we will immediately exchange a replacement product; or if we cannot replace it with another product, we will offer a refund equivalent to the value of the product. We will request a recall of the problematic product. . If the product is stored incorrectly, we may not be able to provide a refund. If you believe the product is faulty, please contact us on 0399 485 379 or email info@vital-world.com and we will be happy to take the product back and carry out a check. .