Tangerine (Citrus reticulata Blanco.)


Tangerine, also known scientifically as Citrus reticulata Blanco, is a medium-sized fruit widely used as a herbal remedy worldwide. Tangerines are not only rich in nutritional value but also have many medical and pharmacological uses.

Nutritional Ingredients and Medical Uses:

- Tangerines contain antioxidants such as vitamin C, carotenoids and phenolic compounds, along with sugars, organic acids, amino acids, pectin, minerals and volatile organic compounds.

- In traditional medicine, tangerines are used to treat digestive disorders, flatulence, cough, hiccups and vomiting. Tangerine extracts have anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering, analgesic, anti-asthmatic and anti-infective effects.

Pharmacological Activity:

- Anti-Cancer Activity: Limonoids from tangerines have the ability to inhibit the growth of human breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7).

- Sedative Effects: Tangerine peel extracts have shown significant sedative activity in studies.

- Protects DNA: Tangerine extracts have the ability to protect DNA from damage caused by genotoxic substances.

Antioxidant Effect: Essential oil from tangerines has powerful antioxidant activity, helping to eliminate free radicals and hydroxyls.

Other Benefits:

- Cardiovascular Protection: Tangerine peel is suggested to use to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

- Liver Activity: Has liver protective activity.

- Reduce Cholesterol: Has the effect of reducing cholesterol.

Tangerine, with its diverse nutritional and pharmacological benefits, is an important part of healthy diets and traditional medical therapies.

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