Pectin - Citrus fiber

Pectin, a carbohydrate found in citrus fruits as well as many other fruits, vegetables and seeds, is a soluble fiber with many health benefits:

1. Supports Digestion and Reduces Constipation

Pectin strengthens the functioning of the stomach and intestines, aids digestion and provides a natural solution for constipation. It increases the volume and viscosity of stool, helps reduce diarrhea symptoms and supports the treatment of diarrheal irritable bowel syndrome.
2. Regulating Cholesterol
Pectin helps reduce the amount of cholesterol absorbed into the blood. Many studies have demonstrated pectin's ability to lower blood cholesterol levels. A study at the University of Florida College of Medicine found that pectin supplementation from grapefruit can significantly reduce plasma cholesterol.
3. Diabetes Management
Pectin slows down the activity of enzymes that break down starch and sugar, helps improve glucose tolerance, and reduces the risk of weight gain and diabetes.
4. Supports Weight Loss

Pectin has the ability to create a feeling of fullness longer, supporting weight loss. It helps reduce cravings, increase energy and reduce insulin response.
5. Promotes the Body Purification Process
Pectin aids in detoxifying the body by removing heavy metals and other toxins, contributing to the body's ability to recover from illness.

Pectin, with its diverse health benefits, is an important ingredient in a balanced diet, especially for those looking to improve digestive health, manage cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and support healthy eating habits. Aids in weight loss and body purification.
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