Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.)


Grapes ( Vitis vinifera L.) are native to the Mediterranean region, Central Europe and Southwest Asia. It is a climbing, deciduous plant. The leaves are heart-shaped and have rough serrated edges. The fruit can be eaten fresh and used to produce wine or raisins. Grape leaves are used in the cuisine of many cultures. Fresh grapes can also be processed into juice that is fermented to make wine and vinegar. Grape varieties form the basis of the majority of wines produced around the world.

All familiar wines come from grapes grown on every continent, in all the world's major wine regions, except Antarctica.

Grape flowers, leaves, veins and fruits contain tannin, tartaric acid, malic acid, succinic acid and waxes, sugars and minerals, which have been used for medicinal and therapeutic purposes.

The leaves are used fresh or dried to make tea and are considered a medicine to treat rheumatism, gout, vomiting, and spitting up blood. In addition, decoction from the leaves is used as a bath to treat chapped hands and feet due to cold. Fresh leaves are picked, crushed and applied externally to reduce heat in the eyes, head and abdomen. The oil of grape leaves (from the red variety) helps solve circulatory problems, varicose veins and cracked capillaries.

Crush unripe grapes and use them as compresses to remove heat from the eyes, head and stomach.

Grapes are recommended to cleanse the blood and stimulate the function of the intestines and kidneys.

Fresh or pasteurized Grape juice not only helps improve appetite and the function of the digestive organs but also aids in the elimination of all toxic substances. Therapy with fresh grapes or grape juice treats inflammatory bowel disease and chronic diarrhea. In addition, therapy with grape juice, applied once or twice a year, prevents the formation of gallstones, kidney stones and bladder stones. It is strongly recommended for nephritis, glandular weakness and emphysema.

Raisins are a good choice for a constipation diet.

Grape seed oil can be used as cooking oil, especially for patients who cannot eat animal fats.

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