Loquat is a tree native to the central provinces of China. In Japan, this tree has been grown for more than 1000 years with very delicious fruits called Son Tra fruit.
Loquat ( Eriobotrya japonica a Lindl.) is a subtropical evergreen shrub or small tree native to southeastern China and in Southeast Asian countries bordering Yunnan province, such as Vietnam , Laos and Myanmar.
Loquat fruit is considered a source of all essential nutrients, especially rich in minerals, sugars, carotenes and organic acids. In addition to its nutritional and energy value, Loquat fruit is also a source of valuable biologically active substances, such as Carotenoids, Phenolics, Flavonoids, Vitamin C and Terpenoids, which support human health. All parts of the Loquat plant are used in traditional Chinese medicine.
Pharmacological studies have shown that various extracts of loquat have hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, anti-allergic, antiviral effects. antitumor, antitumor, and antiplatelet aggregation, and beneficial effects have been suggested for chronic bronchitis and kidney disease.
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