Evening Primrose (Euphrasia officinalis L.)


Evening primrose (Euphrasia Officinalis L.) is an annual plant, 5-40 cm tall, with opposite serrated leaves, white or lilac flowers with darker streaks and a yellow spot. Evening primrose is an herb; the entire stem, leaves and flowers of the Evening primrose plant can be eaten and used medicinally. The name of this herb comes from its wonderful uses for the eyes.

According to researchers, Primrose is an herb that contains many inorganic and organic compounds and nutrients that not only support the treatment of eye diseases but are also beneficial for health.
It contains Beta-carotene, Alkaloids, antioxidants such as Caffeic Acid, Ferulic Acid and Flavonoids, Iridoid Glycosides, Tannins, Vitamins B, C, E, and volatile oils.

Effects of evening primrose extract:

  • Prevent and reduce eye inflammation: Evening primrose is known as a wonderful natural antibiotic for the eyes. It helps prevent and reduce symptoms of blepharitis, conjunctivitis and pink eye.
  • Prevents eye pain and eye strain: With ingredients rich in vitamins and antioxidants, it helps provide maximum nutrients to the eyes and promptly responds to help prevent dry eyes, eye fatigue and eye pain.
  • Enhances eye resistance: Evening primrose provides nutrients for the eyes to help bring healthy eyes and increase resistance against harmful agents to the eyes.
  • Prevents aging diseases of the visual organs: Evening primrose is rich in antioxidant compounds that help fight free radicals, oxidizing agents that damage the cells of the visual organs. It has the effect of preventing aging diseases of the visual organs such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

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