Coconut oil

Coconut oil

Coconut Oil is a type of cooking oil pressed from coconut meat. It is a solid at room temperature and melts into a liquid when heated. It has a long history in the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Polynesia and Indonesia, where coconut trees grow.

Recently, Coconut oil has become popular globally. It has many uses, from hair products to foods to sunscreen to deodorant. Its delicious flavor and adaptable properties make it the perfect ingredient to add to a variety of products. In some recipes, coconut oil can be a great milk substitute for people with allergies or those on plant-based diets.

Coconut oil is extracted from the coconut fruit of the Coconut tree (Cocos nucifera). There are two main types of coconut oil: regular coconut oil and virgin coconut oil. Although they have similar fatty acid content, virgin coconut oil contains higher amounts of nutrients such as vitamin E and bioactive compounds such as polyphenols (substances with antioxidant properties).

Coconut Oil has many nutrients that can contribute to your health and a good diet. It's full of fatty acids your body needs and can help improve cognitive function, metabolism, and hair and skin health.

Coconut oil benefits:

  • Losing weight
  • Improves skin and hair health

See product details of New Nordic Hair Volume Conditioner

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