Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum L.)

Milk thistle, also known by its scientific name Silybum marianum L., is a famous herb in traditional and modern medicine with many notable health benefits. Here are some key benefits of milk thistle, supported by scientific research.

Supports Liver Function

The most prominent benefit of milk thistle is its ability to support and protect the liver. Silymarin, a main compound in milk thistle, has been widely studied for its ability to protect liver cells, helping restore liver function from damage caused by toxic substances.

Antioxidant Effect

Milk thistle is also rich in antioxidants. Silymarin and other compounds in the plant help fight free radical damage, thereby reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases.

Supports the Digestive System

Milk thistle is also used to support the digestive system. It may help reduce symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases and improve digestion.

Anti-Inflammatory Effect

Research shows that milk thistle has anti-inflammatory effects, helping to reduce inflammation and pain in conditions such as arthritis.

Milk thistle, with the active ingredient silymarin, is an effective choice in supporting liver health, providing antioxidants, supporting the digestive system and reducing inflammation. The combination of tradition and modern science has made milk thistle an indispensable part of natural medicine.

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