Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.)

Black Elderberry

Black elderberry, also known as Sambucus nigra L., is a widely known herb with many health benefits, especially in strengthening the immune system and reducing symptoms of colds. Black elderberry contains anthocyanin, a compound with strong antioxidant properties, along with many other useful ingredients.

Main Active Ingredients:

- Anthocyanin: Has a powerful antioxidant effect, helping to protect cells from oxidative stress.
- Anti-Inflammatory Agent: Helps reduce inflammation and aid in soothing symptoms of infection.
Health Benefits:
- Strengthens the Immune System: Supports strengthening the immune system, helping the body fight viruses and bacteria.

- Reduces Flu Symptoms: Helps reduce symptoms such as headaches, stuffy nose, cough, helping to recover from flu faster.
- Cell Protection: Fights oxidative stress, helps protect cells and reduces the risk of cell damage caused by free radicals.

Practical application:

- In Flu Treatment: Use as a natural method to reduce symptoms and increase resistance.
- In Food Supplements: Can be used in health supplements such as pills, syrup or tea.
- In Cosmetics: Due to its antioxidant properties, black elderberry is also used in skin care products.

See details of Active Immune product

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