
Chân tôi cảm thấy nhẹ nhàng hơn từ trên xuống dưới

My legs feel lighter from top to bottom

Products for healthy feet "I'm Sandra. I'm over 70 years old and live in Montreal. I've been battling painful, tired and heavy feet for years. It's gotten so bad that...

My legs feel lighter from top to bottom

Products for healthy feet "I'm Sandra. I'm over 70 years old and live in Montreal. I've been battling painful, tired and heavy feet for years. It's gotten so bad that...

Tôi đã không còn cảm giác nặng chân và mỏi chân

I no longer feel heavy and tired in my legs

Life is wonderful without having to wear varicose vein support stockings Many people feel their legs are heavy and tired. Some people find it difficult to walk just a short...

I no longer feel heavy and tired in my legs

Life is wonderful without having to wear varicose vein support stockings Many people feel their legs are heavy and tired. Some people find it difficult to walk just a short...

Tôi sẽ luôn dùng Blue Berry để duy trì sức khoẻ cho mắt

I will always take Blue Berry to maintain eye h...

I am 60 years old and have noticed changes in my vision as I get older. I want to maintain normal vision for as long as possible. I had previously...

I will always take Blue Berry to maintain eye h...

I am 60 years old and have noticed changes in my vision as I get older. I want to maintain normal vision for as long as possible. I had previously...

Tôi đã dùng Blue Berry được 4 năm rồi và vấn đề mờ mắt đã không còn nữa

I have been using Blue Berry for 4 years now an...

"Everything is so much clearer now!" Sandra started having problems with her eyesight a few years ago. It wasn't until she started taking Blue Berry that her eye health got...

I have been using Blue Berry for 4 years now an...

"Everything is so much clearer now!" Sandra started having problems with her eyesight a few years ago. It wasn't until she started taking Blue Berry that her eye health got...

"Đây là cách mà tôi cải thiện đôi mắt sau một ngày dài ngồi trước màn hình"

"This is how I improve my eyes after a long day...

Laila spends many hours working at the screen That cannot be avoided when you are a financial manager. But as Laila got older, her eyes needed more breaks, so she...

"This is how I improve my eyes after a long day...

Laila spends many hours working at the screen That cannot be avoided when you are a financial manager. But as Laila got older, her eyes needed more breaks, so she...

Lene đã cải thiện được tình trạng mất ngủ và bốc hoả trong thời kỳ mãn kinh

Lene improved insomnia and hot flashes during m...

I have to wake up every night to change my clothes due to sweating and at least 3-4 times a day I get hot flashes, so my head turns red...

Lene improved insomnia and hot flashes during m...

I have to wake up every night to change my clothes due to sweating and at least 3-4 times a day I get hot flashes, so my head turns red...