Comfortable menopause

Liselotte has entered menopause and is experiencing both hot flashes and restlessness. She takes the dietary supplement Meno Joy every day. It's great when the product works.

Although during menopause, I don't wonder about getting angry
Liselotte is 49 years old and has a bachelor's degree in nutrition and health. Every day, she works in an office and she is busy with training during her free time. "I'm in menopause and a lot of changes have happened to me. Suddenly I get hot flashes and am completely drenched in sweat, having to change clothes. As soon as I do something just a little bit active physical activity, sweat broke out and my whole body felt restless."

Heard about Meno Joy
I happened to hear about Meno Joy in connection with a large event I attended. I knew of other products from New Nordic, so I was quickly convinced to use these tablets.

Comfortable menopause
"I've been taking Meno Joy for a while and I can clearly feel the difference. I have more energy in my daily life. And it's great to not have to think about body problems anymore. Liselotte said that: "Red clover helps me deal with hot flashes, sweating and restlessness, its vitamin B6 content helps regulate hormonal activity and reduce fatigue and exhaustion. It's wonderful to have a pleasant and comfortable menopause."

Evidence of effectiveness and function in menopause
The red clover flower has been named Denmark's national flower and has long been associated with menopause. Today, researchers have tested natural plant compounds from red clover in a number of studies, including for their effectiveness to help control typical signs of menopause and ease hot flashes. burning, sweating, restlessness and irritability to make menopause pleasant and comfortable. The result was an astonishing success and was published in scientific journals.

See Meno Joy product details

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