Keep your airways clear!

Keep your airways clear!
Fill your lungs with oxygen. This is a pill with natural black pepper extract that works in harmony with your body to keep your airways clear.

Through the exchange between breaths, oxygen will pull air, oxygen and CO2 (waste products) into the lungs. The airways are kept open by a flexible fibrous connective tissue, called cartilage. That way, the lungs can get rid of the "stale air" where the oxygen has been depleted and replace it with new fresh air with lots of oxygen. As we age, cells in the lungs tend to produce less collagen, which is important for flexible fibrous connective tissue, and we breathe less. Smoking and inhaling secondhand smoke, chemicals and dust contribute to respiratory deterioration.

Out of breath and difficulty breathing
When you feel out of breath and have difficulty breathing, you will feel old and weak, causing you to not be as active as before. Daily activities become more difficult, such as walking and playing with your grandchildren. Muscles weaken and affect your quality of life.

Clear airways
Now you can use a new health protection product, developed by New Nordic nutrition experts, to help you keep your airways clear. The product is called Deep Breath, which is a pill extracted from black pepper that helps keep the airways open to let fresh, oxygen-filled air into the lungs.

Lung function decreases as you age
The first thing you do when you are born is breathe and the last thing before you die. You breathe 20,000 times a day. When you breathe, the lungs exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide automatically. As people get older, lung function gradually decreases, causing the elderly to have to breathe more. Smokers and people in large cities or places with polluted environments will experience serious respiratory impairment. The black pepper in Deep Breath helps you keep your airways clear.

See details of Deep Breath product

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